4 Things People Don’t Understand about Personal Injury Cases

It’s still surprising to see how many myths and misconceptions are floating around about personal injury cases. However, ignorance could lead to many people not filing a claim thinking that they don’t have a chance. Others have completely unrealistic expectations and end up being disappointed when they realize how much they’re truly entitled to. This is why you need to get educated on these cases if you are preparing to file. Here are some of the things many people don’t understand about personal injury cases.

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There’s no Point in Hiring a Lawyer if the Case is Minor

Some people will think that that you need to suffer a life-threatening injury to file a case, but that’s not true. There might be many other damages that you’re entitled to beyond an injury. You shouldn’t downplay an injury either. Some may seem benign at first and deteriorate over time, and if you settle too soon and for too little, you might not be covered for the expenses you’ll have to deal with later down the line.

This is why you need to speak with a personal injury lawyer near me immediately even if you don’t think the case is major. Only they will be able to tell you what you’re entitled to and what the proper course of action should be. Also, know that most of these lawyers work on contingency, so if they’re taking your case, that means that they believe you have a genuine chance of winning.

These Cases Take Years

While it’s true that personal injury cases can take years, it all depends on the case. Some cases will be more complicated, but others are much more cut and dry. A great lawyer will also be able to expedite the process.

There’s No Need to File if You Have Insurance

Some people may think that their insurance company will cover all of their expenses after an accident. However, insurance companies care about their profits first and foremost and will do everything they can to give you as little as possible. It has been estimated that out of all car accidents in the United States, insurance companies only paid out about 50% of damages and drivers had to pay around 25%. So, don’t assume that they are looking after you and call a lawyer immediately.

You Shouldn’t Settle

When going with a personal injury lawyer, you have to make sure that they’re not scared to go all the way. That doesn’t mean that every case should go to trial, however. Many cases can be settled, and this could make things much easier for both parties. You won’t have to attend hearings or have court dates for months. A lawyer that is great at negotiation will be able to get you the most compensation possible in the shortest amount of time.

These are all common false ideas that are circulating about personal injury cases. Instead of relying on hearsay, speak with a professional who’ll be able to tell you the truth about how they work.