How Serious is Drunk Driving, and What Should You Do

Drunk driving is a serious crime that can lead to fines, jail time, and even death. The penalties for drunk driving are severe, but the penalties can be even more severe if the driver has prior DUI convictions. A DWI lawyer can help you defend yourself against these charges and avoid more serious consequences.

A DWI attorney is an attorney who specializes in defending people accused of drunk driving. They handle cases ranging from minor first-time offenses to serious felony charges where you could spend years in prison.

If you are facing charges for drunk driving, it’s important to take them seriously and get legal help right away. It’s also important to find an attorney with experience handling cases like yours and knows how local courts operate. You should ask any potential DUI lawyer about their experience with your type of case before hiring them.

What are the Penalties for Drunk Driving?

The penalties for drunk driving can include jail time, fines, and mandatory license suspensions. In addition to these penalties, DWI offenders may also be required to attend an alcohol education class, undergo drug testing and participate in community service.

When looking for a DWI lawyer, you should ask the following questions:

What kind of cases do they handle? 

This will give you an idea of what kind of experience they have handling similar cases like yours. It’s best if they have handled many cases similar to yours before because this shows that they have experience working with judges and prosecutors who hear these kinds of cases often.

How long have you practiced DUI law? 

The longer an attorney has been practicing their field of expertise, the more likely they understand what they are doing. A lawyer who has been practicing for decades will probably have handled many cases like yours and know how best to deal with them.

What defense strategy will you use with my DUI case?

Your attorney will have to understand the evidence against you, which means they will have to examine your arrest records and police reports. They may also want to talk with witnesses present at the time of your arrest. They will then come up with a defense strategy tailored to your individual case.

 How will you handle my criminal charges?

While it is possible that your lawyer could negotiate with the prosecution and try to get them to drop or reduce the charges against you, this is not always an option. If this happens though, it could result in fewer penalties than would otherwise be imposed by a judge or jury. Your lawyer can also help you ensure your rights are protected throughout the process so that nothing goes wrong along the way.

Key Takeaway

If you are charged with a DWI offense, the first step in determining your options is to contact an attorney. The attorney will answer all of your questions and explain what the best course of action is. By hiring a lawyer, you will have someone who can represent you in court, negotiate with prosecutors and help you understand the process.