How To Prevent Motor Vehicle Accidents At The Workplace

Employers have to create a safe work environment. This is sometimes very difficult, based on industry. However, we can say that the most common hazards in workplaces are lacerations, burns, transportation incidents, overexertion, and slip and falls. All of these can be avoided to some extent. So, instead of thinking what are the major steps to take after a Detroit car accident, we should first focus on how to prevent these in the first place. 

Standard Steps To Take

Even when employees have truly perfect driving records and experience is high, an accident can happen. This is why employers always have to do at least the basics. This includes:

  • Checking MVRs (Motor Vehicle Reports) – Every single year, you have to verify the MVRs of all drivers to make sure that all licenses are valid. You also have to see if there are violations and you need to be especially careful with specialized vehicles since they require extra licenses. Those licenses also have to be checked to make sure they are valid. 
  • Maintenance – All vehicles have to be regularly inspected. This includes analyzing lights, brakes, tires, mechanicals, and horns. When repair work is needed, the car should not be in commission. 
  • Distracted Driving Policy Distracted driving leads to around 9% of all fatal crashes happening in the US. Due to this, you need to establish a good corporate distracted driving company policy. This is important as the employees will have strict guidelines they have to follow while using the company vehicle, like not using the smartphone or not answering text messages. 
  • Safety Measures – Safety measures have to be established and enforced, like wearing seatbelts when driving.  These should be communicated to every single person that will use a company vehicle. 
  • Breaks – Your drivers should be allowed to take breaks and actually encouraged to do so whenever tired. Never allow employees to drive when tired and highlight the fact that it is company policy that they are rested before every drive.

Attorneys Can Help

Preventing traffic accidents is something we can all do but the employer needs to be extra careful. This is because when an employee is involved in a car accident while at work, the employer might also be liable. By establishing really strict guidelines, rules, and policies, you protect the business and also include the security of every single staff member. 

Due to liability reasons, you need to contact an experienced attorney that can help you to take all the right steps to protect your employees and everyone else. At the end of the day, we all share responsibilities for our actions and the actions that we can positively or negatively influence. 

The attorney will help you to draft accurate and strict distracted driving policies and even establish safety measures. You can get the help that you need to make sure that your company is playing its part in reducing motor vehicle accidents. This in itself should be enough of a reason to make sure you take the right steps to ensure your staff’s safety.