Personal Injury Lawyer At Your Service

We believe that you are here because you might have been a victim of a personal injury accident. Unfortunately, these incidents occur every day in the Portland area. The most common consequences of these events are injuries that force us to begin a recovery process and throughout that time, we might be forced to miss work, pay hospital bills, and obviously deal with physical and psychological trauma.

The bright side is that you are entitled to receive compensation for your damages, hospital bills, and for the time you were forced to miss work. Sadly, it is quite complex to achieve this on your own, and that is why we are here to inform you that you can hire a Portland personal injury lawyer. Usually, the other party of the accident will try to deny your allegations, and deny that they are at fault, thus refusing to compensate you for your damages. Personal injury lawyers, therefore, play a major role in seeking compensation for you. So, stay tuned, because throughout this article, we will explain the benefits of hiring a Portland personal injury lawyer.

Types of accidents

  • Car accidents: These are probably the most common and lethal accident accidents worldwide. Car accidents can lead to severe body injuries such as fractures, contusions, paralysis, and even death. You will probably be forced to pay for your own car damages if you do not have a qualified attorney. Personal injury lawyers can request a toxicological report from the other party to verify their sobriety while driving.

  • Dog bites: We have seen irresponsible individuals who have not trained their dogs and decide to take them for a walk without a leash and muzzle. Dog bites can cause infections, severe pain, and even the loss of movement of your affected limb. A personal injury lawyer can help you to gather witnesses of the incident.

  • Medical malpractice: It occurs when a hospital and/or health professional, by an act of omission, causes injuries to a patient. Personal injury attorneys can verify your medical report and detail every procedure practiced on you.

  • Slip and falls: Just as car accidents, slip and falls are very common as well. Injuries sustained from this accident can vary on the intensity of the fall. Accidents like this, tend to occur in public spaces, such as supermarkets, restaurants, damaged stairways, or even in your neighborhood. Establishment owners are legally responsible for the state and safety of their properties. That means that if you fall while walking on these public spaces, it was due to someone else’s negligence. Attorneys can access surveillance footage to verify if the establishment owners intended to warn about the state of their property or if they tried to repair that damage.

Benefits of personal injury lawyers

  • They gather information and evidence for your case: As we mentioned before, they can seek witnesses of your case by interrogating individuals, or even hiring a private detective.

  • They are legal experts: Personal injury lawyers have been prepared to deal with claims of third parties. They know the law and can help you file your claims properly so that you can receive compensation for your damages.

  • They communicate and negotiate with insurance companies: An experienced attorney will understand the tactics often used by insurance companies to affect your claim and advise on how to handle an adjuster.

  • They can help you receive compensation faster: If you are injured or recovering from an injury, you’ll most likely not be able to seek compensation yet. An attorney will be acting on your behalf to seek the compensation that you deserve.

Now that you have been more educated on the benefits of a Portland personal injury lawyer, we believe you will make the right choice in hiring the best attorney for you. This lawyer will fight for you so that you’ll be compensated for your damages. So, don’t hesitate and call one right now!